Have you always wanted to write about F1 or MotoGP but never got around to it? Would you find the prospect of creating and maintaining your own blog a daunting prospect?
Well now you can! We're looking for racing enthusiasts who would like to write about F1 or MotoGP on our Blog.
You don't have to have any previous experience whatsoever. The most important thing is a passion for your favourite motorsport!
So how do you go about this?
Well firstly let's talk about what we are looking for:
Original Content - your article will not have been published anywhere else.
Not Straight Reporting - there are many organisations that report on practice, qualifying and the races themselves very quickly and in depth. What is of far more interest is an article or articles that go behind the headlines. You could look at a current trend or why something specific is happening. It could be that you look back at something in the past. You may well need to back it up with some evidence as well.
Do you have a talent for design? Could you produce infographics for example or perhaps cartoons or indeed anything else which is design orientated?
Do you compile statistics about the races? Can you interpret the information in new or interesting ways?
How long do these blog posts need to be?
We are really looking for a minimum of 750 words. That might seem a lot but you will be surprised when writing about F1 or MotoGP how the words just flow.... If you have something large, it can always be separated into several articles.
How do You Submit Articles?
Your best approach will be to submit ideas to us initially. We will come back to you with our observations. This is in case we have already published something similar to your proposed article.
If you have already written an article (or series of articles) as yet unpublished then you are very welcome to submit it to us. We will then reply with our comments and whether any alterations are needed.
We cannot guarantee that every article you provide will be published but we will look at your articles in a positive manner and offer suggestions if required.
We will retain editorial control regarding spelling, grammar, clarity or even article length. It is your responsibility to be accurate and also not to infringe copyright
We will retain copyright of the article.
You will be credited as the author of the article and if you have your own blog/website we will also include a link
We will publicise your article via Twitter, Facebook and Google+. It will also be found by the major search engines within a short space of time. We will also have other suggestions for you regarding the article and yourself.
A Reward!
For every article that we publish you will receive either a £10 Amazon gift voucher or Paypal payment or £15 discount off our range of services. You choose!
Okay, what now?
Get in touch with Len who is the blog coordinator and he will get back to you as soon as possible.